Keeping fantasy fun

Fans come to Clean Fantasy to see if they are playing fair.

Does your fantasy sports league have a Clean Fantasy Seal?

What's Clean Fantasy?

Clean Fantasy is the fantasy sports watch dog.

Clean Fantasy is the deterrent to cheating for fantasy commissioners.

Clean Fantasy is where fans come to see if they are playing fair.

An unspoken secret in fantasy sports is that millions play without a referee. Commissioners of fantasy leagues have the rights to edit any lineup, any time, even in the past. It's a necessary right to correct mistakes but it's often abused.

Research shows that most people cheat when they think they can't get caught.

”People weigh what they’ll get with what the chances are that they’ll get caught and punished some way. They simply make a “comparison of possible positive and negative outcomes.” - Nobel laureate economist Gary Becker

It's tempting for commissioners and too easy to make excuses. "Well, I meant to start him today."

"”As long as we cheat by only a little bit, we can benefit from cheating and still view ourselves as marvelous human beings,”
Dan Ariely MIT Professor & author of
The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty:How We Lie To Everyone — Especially Ourselves.

Clean Fantasy works together with fantasy sports auditing services, like Fantasy Auditor.

If a fantasy league is certified clean by Clean Fantasy then enter the league url and you will see it's badges for each year. It will look like the one below with the league name.

Never accept a badge that is not from